Boss Strats
Jin'rokh the Breaker
Throne of Thunder - Jin'rokh the Breaker 10M Normal Boss Strategy
More Info

Raid Tactics

Here we will discuss what we expect of you as a raider in The Awakening. For MoP our raid times will be Saturdays at 5:30 server.

Please be ready to go at 5:30pm server!!

By this we mean having your bags emptied, gear repaired, food and flasks ready to go - all of the obvious.
Our second day of raiding will be on Sundays for maybe an hour at 1pm Server.

We just have a few raid rules, they are simple but important. When we all follow these rules, we help each other.

They are important and you can be replaced if you refuse to comply with time to these guidelines.

1. RAID AWARENESS Everyone must have and use this. What is this? It is being aware of the raid around you, the ground you are on, the placement of yourself versus healers, tanks, and mobs. It is also knowing your role in a raid. It is not simply DPS HEALS and TANKS. Every class offers a different valuable trait in raids, it is your responsiblity to know this about your toon and use it to ensure every fight is a kill. If you don't know your character that well, we expect you to learn about it, that means research.

2. AFKS For every hour of raiding we take 5 minutes for a break. You also need to be prepared, gear, pots, food, etc so that we do not spend ten minutes looking at a boss before we pull him

3. KNOW THE FIGHT - We will no longer give explanations, you are expected to know fights, or have watched videos in prepartion.  


Required for Raiding: Nonrequired Downloads: